Making Beanies

We started our beanie making with focusing on measurement and problem solving in maths and change in technology.
We watched this video for technology and made our own flow diagrams.

We then watched this teacher video from nzmaths to help understand what we were going to be doing.    

Pattern Making

Using half your head measurement (e.g. 56cm would be 23cm) measure along the bottom of your paper make a small mark.

 Measure 50cm up the page and make another small mark.  

Connect these lines with a straight line.  

 Add 2cm and draw another line, this is your seam allowance.  

Carefully cut it out.  WRITE your name on this!


Choose fabric and lay it down with the stretch at the bottom of your pattern.  The stretch will help hold it on your head. 

Pin your pattern onto the polar fleece using the edges as a cut line.  This saves extra cutting.

Cut carefully around your pattern as close to the pattern as you can.  

 Do the same with the 2nd colour.

Put the 2 pieces together

Measure 15cm up and draw a chalk line.  This is your brim.  

Pin along that line and then sew.  
After you sew cut a small line just above the stitching.

Turn inside out and pin about 20-25cm up or cut and pin if you want a square top.  Check with your adult before you cut anything.

Once you have sewed it turn inside out again.

Fold the brim over and then decide what you want to do with the top, I made tassels.  
TIP: try it on your head before you decide on anything.

Use a spare piece of fleece and tie it to the top

I added a small heart to mine, just to make it unique.  It you have a great sewer, use their skills to add some details.  

It could have a rounded top or tassels like mine.

Put your hat on take a photo and post it to your blog.

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