Monday 22 September 2014

Making a really cheap, recylced seat.

Today we started making our seat using the bottles we have been collecting for weeks and weeks. 
We used 19 bottles and stuck them together, then we measured our bottles made patterns and cut out the material  ready for Mrs Stanway to sew.    She picked up the material from Spot light for only $6.  So in total our new seat may cost $10 with a little free time.  Wow that is a cheap seat!

We know it is going to be strong!

Friday 19 September 2014

Week 9 newsletter item

Team Kereru has had a fantastic learning term.
In writing we have just finished our persuasion topic and we have created tellagamis,
advertisments and many stories. Remember to check out our individual blogs to see
these. We have just started learning about character descriptions. We are trying to move
from, ‘She has grey hair’ to more along a storyline e.g. ‘Her grey hair swayed in the
wind.’ It is hard to write a description like this and we are using lots of examples to help

In reading we are thoroughly enjoying our science and art extras and are also enjoying
learning about words, how they work and what they mean. It is great to see the children
using their blogs to share their work. We are all appreciating using the iPads and their
apps to create and share interesting reading follow ups. It is pleasing to see the children
reading lots at home and enjoying using our library at school.

In maths we are working through addition and subtraction strategies. We are enjoying the
Mathletics site and making the most of our free trial. It is great to see the children
enjoying maths in a competitive and beneficial way.

Our technology topic about McDonalds is proving to be very interesting. We have learnt
that McDonalds uses a lot of local produce. Preservatives are in some of their foods.
We are looking forward to the Life Education Bus, have really enjoyed our 
Arts@Edendale this term and the Menzies College Year 13 students (who took us for 
cooperative games). 
We all are excited about the amazing Term 4 
learning that we are going to be doing. 
Our app of the week is Tellagami. 
Tellagami is an app that lets you create and share a quick animated Gami video. 

Our Website of the week is Map Maker Interactive: - a great 
website where you can ask to see different layers e.g. 
earthquakes, where animals live, climate, surface elevation 
and then see them on a world or country map. It has been 
great for our earthquakes topic in reading

Week 9 in Team Kereru

Barry Potter the amazing artist and author.

Arts at Edendale

Planted Pots

Week 3 Share Market results

Another brutal day at the Team Kereru Stock Market!  

2 companies are now bankrupt, a sad day for the owners.  
Nic and Harm continue to dominate the total net worth sitting on $1324 each a return so far of $324. Mrs Knapp investments are not paying off with her net worth being only $280.   A loss of $720 so far.
Lets hope for some better luck in Week 10.

Total Net Worth
Mrs Stanway 706
Kim S 499
Brooke 616
Matt 804
Rhiannon 473
Emma 568
Olivia 568
Sherlene 568
Josiah 772
Deniz 693
Paige 513
Hannah 444
Charlotte 315
Caleb 593
Cailee 688
Ryan 943
Peyton 746
Jake 828
Dylan 729
Logan  711
Amber 794
Harm 1324
Nic 1324
William 1111
Keagan 511
Arin 463
Mr McKenzie 896
Mrs Knapp 280

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Painting pots and other recent Team Kereru activities

Elgregoe and his helpers.  How lucky were we to get 2 of our team up the front!

Painting Pots