Friday, 7 March 2014

This week in Team Kereru.

We are currently looking at recounts in our writing.  We have watched some video clips that involve fairy tales such as Jack and the Beanstalk, The 3 Little Pigs and Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. After we watched them we chose a character and then wrote a recount from their perspective.   They have been a lot of fun to create.  Our next writing genre is Biographies; we will mix these with some poetry and surely we will come up with something awesome. 

In Maths we have been focusing on Place Value.  We have been learning about rolling over or rolling back 1 number; this is especially hard in numbers like 579,999 and 603,000.  We will then begin to look at addition and subtraction strategies.  One of the important areas we will look at also is number bonds to 100 and to 1000, e.g.  65+?=100.   A lot of the children will put the answer 45 in the gap.   We will use equipment to make sure they understand why it is in fact 35.

This wiki page will help children with number bonds Place Value and Number Bonds  

In reading we have highlighted the goals we want for the term.  We are reading a lot of non-fiction books and looking at tables and graphs as well as learning to skim read for information.   Our chapter book ‘Amazon Adventure’ is especially exciting and we are all learning about new animals that live in the Amazon.  
This week we have been painting.   We are looking at Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ artwork. Van Gogh used a very ‘painty’ brush stroke and to try and replicate this we have been using cotton buds. We certainly have some budding artists in our class.  Have a look on Team Kereru’s blog for the amazing domino ‘Starry Night’.

My pick of websites for the week are to do with science and animals:
National Geographic for Kids:  This is a cool, interactive and very interesting website with videos, facts and fun stuff.  

African Camera:  This is a 24-7 look at amazing African animals in their natural environment.  

It was great to meet and see you for our Goal Setting.  Thank you for coming in and sharing your thoughts.  


  1. What a great blog post. Very informative. Love the Van Gogh paintings.

  2. Love the Van Goph paintings


  3. That is a cool painting to paint and very detailed!!!!
