Friday 28 February 2014

Week 4 in Team Kereru

This week has been another busy, busy week. 

 It was great to see Parents during goal setting.  If I haven't caught up with you yet, please let me know when suits you I am around most days.

We have had 3 lots of athletics.  One with Lorne and 2 school practices we sure are ready for Athletics day.  Lets hope the weather plays it's part.

Also this week we started to look at a famous artist named Vincent Van Gogh and in particular his painting 'Starry Night'  We watched a clever You Tube clip and practiced our painting technique.  It was definitely a  time for the children to have their 'I can attitude' and use their value of 'Persistence'.   Sometimes painting is hard!  I can't wait to see what they produce next week.  

 This week in maths we were playing with the Deci-Rods.  These are great to use to learn about what a decimal might look like.  We were comparing the heights of children and also how far people may have jumped in Long Jump.  It is interesting to compare numbers that have 1, 2 or 3 numbers after the decimal point.  e.g. 1.23 and 1.4 and 1.365.  It is confusing sometimes because even though 1.4 looks the smallest it maybe the biggest.   We learned about Tenths, Hundredths and talked about Thousandths.

Starry Night - Vincent van Dominogh (7,000 dominoes)

The Amazing Starry Night.  A new way of looking at the amazing art that could be created.

Monday 10 February 2014

Time Acivities

Time activities for telling the time

Time game Shoot

Time games for everyone 
Time Games - Clockworks

Some photos from Week 1

We are so lucky to have shady trees at our school.  We love doing our reading under them after lunch.

This is us by the numbers, we had to think of 8 different ways numbers are in our lives.

 This is our cool illusion art.